Coca-Cola ‘The Playable Billboard’ Activation

Coca-Cola ‘The Playable Billboard’ Activation

The Story

WPP Open X developed an interactive Times Square OOH campaign for Coca-Cola, led by Grey and supported by Subvrsive and Ogilvy PR. Townhouse, Grey’s production agency, tapped IDEKO to provide production support for the eye-catching ‘The Playable Billboard’ activation. Passersby had the opportunity to compete in a Coca-Cola-themed game of paddle ball on the iconic LED Coca-Cola billboard at 2 Times Square. After the game, participants received a complimentary Coca-Cola beverage. 

IDEKO secured various permits for the activation, including production parking, audio, and Temporary Food Service Establishment (TFSE) permits. We also fabricated a branded Coca-Cola couch, where participants competed in each session of gameplay. The couch featured a hidden tech hideaway underneath, which housed audio speakers and power. Additionally, IDEKO provided security and a team of brand ambassadors to oversee participants, manage the queue, explain gameplay, and pass out samples. We also provided stanchions, barricade placement, beverage coolers, ice, and product delivery to the site.

Our Role