Looking Back on June-Athon!

iDEKO Takes June By Storm!iDEKO just wrapped one of its busiest months ever, so we decided to give the month a special name……..June-a-thon.

During June-a-thon, we used every trick in our bag, and of course, our core capabilities to flawlessly execute live events for our clients. From permitting & fabrication, to production, site ops, logistics management, talent wrangling, and security, we truly did it all.

First Democratic Presidential DebateOne of iDEKO’s core capabilities is permitting. We were tasked by NBC Universal to handle all of the permitting for both debate nights. Our CEO Evan Korn and our VP of Permitting & Logistics, Amir Shayegan, both veterans of the NYC Department of CECM,  were able to help out with this request. Evan was the first Executive Director of CECM, and Amir was the Deputy Director of SAPO. Both have far & wide-reaching relationships that allow iDEKO to handle & obtain permits throughout the county on local, state & federal levels. It was their expertise that allowed us to secure the necessary permits for this event

Secret Life of Pets

For our Secret Life of Pets 2 activation, we worked with Terry Hines Associates to set up a colorful artwork display promoting the upcoming premiere of the movie. Consumers in Brooklyn and at the World Dog Expo were able to visit the activation with their pets and learn more about the film. Brand ambassadors used iPads to take pictures of consumers and their pets and encouraged them to share on social media with the hashtag #TheSecretLifeOfPets2. Consumers also enjoyed several free giveaways, including branded dog bowls, character charms, pet accessories, and posters. This event helped to positively impact the promotion of the movie by directly engaging more than 1,500 people each day and initiating over 5,000 impressions. iDEKO handled venue scouting, permitting, onsite production, staffing, printing, logistics, and content capture.

Nik Wallenda High Wire/Tight Rope Walk Across Times SquareTalk about permits! iDEKO was hired by Dick Clark Productions to obtain & manage all of the permits & site ops for this truly historic event. Nik Wallenda & his sister Lijana come from a professional tightrope walking family, dubbed "The Flying Wallenda's." For this walk, they started at opposite ends of Times Square, Nik from the 2 Times Square building and Lijana from the 1 Times Square building. The siblings took 30 minutes to complete the walk on the tightrope at the height of 1,300 ft in the air. Not only did they perform their death-defying walk, but they met in the middle and crossed over to opposite sides! This event was broadcast live on ABC and had more than 5 million people tune in. This iconic event was one for the books!NYC World Pride

We were honored to be chosen as the production company of record to work on numerous events surrounding Pride Month!

To kick off the final weekend of Pride, we produced a private Pride celebration at the Highline Standard Hotel for Pride Media and OUT Magazine. For the Pride parade, we designed & fabricated two stunning floats for Tiffany’s and PepsiCo. We also built a booth for Oreo for Pride Fest in which we sampled 45,000 pink, blue and white full-size packages of Oreos for their Pick Your Pronoun promotion.

iDEKO was honored to be chosen as the production company of record to produce the closing ceremony of World Pride, which celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. This event featured many influential speakers and global music talents. iDEKO handled it all, Permitting, Site ops, Production, Talent Wrangling, Security, Liaising with the NYPD, FDNY, SAPO, and other NYC agencies too. Our team was unrelenting in seeing to every detail, large & small, and working 100+ hour weeks on the lead up to Pride to ensure total success. Everyone was genuinely teaming with love & PRIDE!

With June-a-thon in the books, we look forward to some incredible summer events. Summer Streets Production is fully underway and promises to be another stellar three weekends in August on Park Avenue.

Stay tuned for more to come!  

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