United Nations World Arabic Language Day Exhibit

UN Arabic Language Day Exhibit

The Story

On December 18th, the United Nations celebrates UN World Arabic Language Day, which coincides with the day in 1973 when the organization adopted Arabic as its sixth official language. We were hired to fabricate the Arabic Language Exhibit at UN Headquarters in New York City to celebrate the occasion.

The exhibit, presented by the Ministry of Culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, showcased the history of the Arabic language at the UN and this year’s theme, “Arabic – the Language of Poetry and Arts.”⁠ The exhibit displayed a collection of historical artifacts, music compositions, poetry, art, and calligraphy. 

The Ministry provided content for interactive touch screens focusing on the Arabic language within technology and its use and prevalence around the globe. IDEKO designed the layout and facilitated the activation of interactive programs designed by the Ministry. Our team supplied all graphic and print assets and built the exhibit structures. We worked with the UN security and events team to bring the LED walls, touch screens, and scenic elements into the venue and set up the exhibit within the secured space.

Our Role